Open public data represent the idea that data collected and produced by public institutions in their daily work must be publicly available. Open public data play an important role in the policy making process, providing an insight into the economic and social challenges, enabling a better assessment of the success of government policies and programs in different fields (education, health, social assistance, management of public resources, utilities, etc.) and contribute to evidence-based policy making. Usefull sources about the concept, application and benefits of open public data are enlisted bellow:
Definition and Principles of Open Public Data
8 Principles of Open Government Data
International Open Data Charter
On Open Government Data Impact
Social Impact of Open Data, Sunlight Foundation
Open Data: Six Stories About Impact in the UK, Omidyar Network
Creating Value through Open Data, Open Data Portal
Supporting sustainable development with open data, Open Data Institute
How can we improve agriculture, food and nutrition with open data?, Open Data Institute
Singapore's Dengue Cluster Map: Open Data for Public Health, GovLab and Omidyar Network
Open Government Portals