Anđela Pepić

Anđela Pepić (1984) - graduated in economics at the Faculty of Economics, University of East Sarajevo, and received her MA in management from the Faculty of Economics, University of Sarajevo. She works at the Institute for Social Research, Faculty of Political Sciences in Banja Luka as a project manager. In the period from 2008 to 2013 she worked as a coordinator for Bosnia and Herzegovina within the Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP). As a representative of the University of Banja Luka she participates in the COST Action "The Voice of Research Administrators: building a network of administrative excellence (BESTPRAC)" as a member of the working group 1 dealing with issues of administration of European projects. Areas of research interests: social and economic rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, corporate social responsibility in the context of workers' rights, workers' rights in general, socialism and Marxism.

Author's publications

Politics and Standards

Low-level absorption of international funds designated for scientific research in BiH: possible causes and recommendations

The participation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the EU Framework Programme (FP) for research and development, the basic EU instrument for research financing, has been relatively low in the last 10 years (FP6, 2002-2006, and FP7, 2007-2013), as well as in the newest phase of the programme, HORIZON... More...